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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Blues Alley and Jazz

The bar on the Blues Alley in Georgetown. I passed yesterday by there, and two friends came to address me, somewhere from my memory: Mike and Lou.

I had been with Mike to find Le Lapin Agile in Montmartre, it was in 1999. I was in Paris for a week, after a long, long break, of fifty years. Mike was with me, both of us were working for a movie. We walked that day for several hours: Notre Dame, Centre Pompidou, and then the hill of Montmartre.

Mike moved to California. Last time I saw him in 2001, he was working for another movie, they were filming in New York, an old house in Staten Island.

As for the other friend, Lou, we met last year in Bucharest and he was telling me about unforgettable evenings spent at the bar on the Blues Alley. One day he'll come again to DC, and we will try a glass of wine while listening a bit of jazz. Wow, I should put some music now, Ubu King, or some player piano studies. I have to tell you this music, about Ito and about Nancarrow, I'll do it soon.

(Washington, District of Columbia)


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