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Sunday, December 07, 2014

Un Mundo Maravillioso

Un mundo maravilloso - 2006
no copyright infringement intended

If the elite in a country decides to follow a neoliberal strategy, the world would become marvelous, un mondo maravilloso. I mean it would become marvelous for them, for the elite. It would be like in a fairy tale: solid contacts with the big shots in the international boards, participation to international meetings, having there historical speeches ... and the fairy tale could go on further: becoming the president of one of those international boards, even thinking at a Nobel for economy or whatever, why not? Life offering everything with generosity, for that's what life is for the elite: a neoliberal fairy tale.

What about the rest of the society? Take the middle class: it means a house, a car and a job. Just a decent life, nothing more. Is it possible? Well, nobody knows it for sure. The middle class is another kind of fairy tale, I mean you'll never know if it's more than a fairy tale.

What about the dirt poor ones? It depends on the fairy tale you want to believe in. In the neoliberal fairy tale, poverty has been eradicated, period. Thus if you see a poor compadre on the streets, he is a freaking lazy drunkard, an impostor paid by the opposition media to impersonate a compadre. Better to forget about, or are you a freaking Communist? There is also another narrative for these compadres, it's their own fairy tale: the present situation is just a temporary accident, soon they will enter the middle class. Sancta Simplicitas!

Well, because all of this is a fairy tale, it happens sometimes like in fairy tales: one of those compadres, the poorest of the poor, el más pobre de los pobres, enters suddenly the rangs of the middle class following a fluke accident that looks like attempted suicide. The opposition media exploits the event. In order to solve the embarrassing situation, the guy is offered a house, a car, and a job. This leads to a sarabande of fake attempted suicides, as each poor compadre wants to be middle class también. And the elite realizes that, rather than eliminating poverty, they should eliminate the poor ones: a new law declares poverty a felony and any poor compadre is thrown in jail. Sounds impossible? Just think twice.

Un mundo maravilloso, the 2006 movie of Luis Estrada, is just that: a fairy tale with some more fairy tales within. Damián Alcázar plays the bum who will experiment that having one day as a rich man is better than a life as poor. ¡Es mejor una día de rico que una vida de pobre!

Now, wait a little: you'll say that right wing policies are bad, thus you should vote the left wing. Just so? Think twice. Or watch the other movies of Luis Estrada. La Ley de Herodes, 1999: the left wing party rotting in corruption and abuses. El Infierno, 2010: mafia and authorities perfectly nested. La Dictadura perfecta, 2014: corruption across the whole political spectrum, manipulation through media, elections as a farce.

(Luis Estrada)



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